whatthedeuce! the it dept goombahs obviously feel that their current list of redundant tasks need breadth of scope. these currently include giving 20-digit id codes for every helpdesk request which means having to remember said convoluted random numbers if you want the it guy to come and set up your printer. do you hear me asking you to memorise number combinations when you ask for a policy report? then there’s the system checks for every corporate system making me click “approve” for staff claims a gazillion times for each transaction. now they have blocked access for several websites which are not work-related and we’re not even talking lurid sites here. reason given: policy denied. ya, keep it ambiguous. god forbid, you dont want everyone else to think you have way too much free time at work. and the cruel irony is i am now deprived of some of my more enjoyable past-times during painfully long meetings – random web surfing. wouldnt it be work-related if this has kept me a happy, productive (used very loosely) employee? now i’m contemplating getting chummy with the it guy but not sure if linux code talk or wearing a skirt would get the job done. at least i have soccernet. the day they block that will be the day i rally up a demonstration. china student styley – none of them wussy online petition crap. in scottish-ozzy accent: they may take our lives but they’ll never take our freedom (of access)!

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